10 Reasons the Oakland Raiders May Be the Most Exciting Team to Watch This Year

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: June 13, 2009


... to watch the silver and black,  even if you aren't a fan or have a Raider on your fantasy team.  Here are my top ten reasons why the Raiders will be the most exciting team to watch.

10.  The Haters. 
Yes Raiders Hating is like always running rampant,  there may even be just as many haters as fans.  Examples include Mel Kiper,  Chris Carter,  Chris Mortenson  well you get the picture basically all of NFL Network BSPN and anyone who buys into the garbage they preach. 

Just think how great it will be when all these people are forced to eat their own words.

9.  Celebration Time.  
I remember when I played football one point the coaches always stressed (especially to freshmen and non-skill positions) was when you reach the end-zone act like you've been there before. 

Don't be surprised if a few players,  namely Johnnie Lee Higg...

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