NFL Hall Of Fame Game to Exclude Actual Hall-Of-Famers (Satire)


Published: August 8, 2009


... say six) the "Nefarious Football League" has celebrated the unofficial opening of its season by hosting what it misleadingly calls the "Hall of Fame" game.


And I like to "read" Bleacher Report's "Guilty Pleasures" articles!

It's a sham!


Because A); the game is not played in the actual Hall of Fame building!

And because, letter after A); the game is not played by actual Hall-of-Famers!

Okay, I can understand if the Pro Football Hall of Fame's management does not want a bunch of beefy, sweaty, uncouth men running around their sacred Halls like college freshman on their first pantie raid. But let's face it, reporters are going to do that whether the game is held inside or not.

And I can also understand that many of the NFL's Hall-of-Famers are either really old, really deceased, or Al Davis.

But I ask you sincerely, could watching those decrepit gentlemen be any worse than the mechanical-pencil-jabbed-in-the-...

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