Daily Haze: Brett Favre on His Way to Cleveland?

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: March 26, 2009


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But not to play, apparently.

Cleveland head coach Eric Mangini has reportedly invited Brett Favre to camp this summer to help with the quarterback battle between Brady Quinn and Derek Anderson. No word on whether or not Favre will attend, but this is a semi-interesting development.

The relationship between Mangini and Favre was highly scrutinized, particularly near the end of the Jets’ collapse in 2008. In addition, doesn’t seem likely that Favre would get the itch to play again if he embeds himself in a camp this summer?

Chances are good that Favre says thanks but no thanks to Mangini on this one, but stranger things have happened.

Here are today’s great reads:

  • Expect another Bleacher Report - NFL
    Article Source: BleacherReport.com
