Ten Commandments Of Tailgating

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: August 29, 2009


... the summer turns to fall, and the NFL and NCAA Football season start to commence, the planning period begins for an equally important event; the tailgate. As someone who has spent years in various tailgates for both college and the NFL, I have been able to amass a set of commandments, designed for ultimate tailgate success.

Please keep in mind, not everyone will be able to follow these commandments, for one reason or another, and in today’s financial situations, it’s understandable. However, if you follow as many as possible, your tailgate will quickly gain fame as one of the top tailgates in your section.

The Ten Commandments Of Tailgating

Commandment 1: Thou Shalt Have A Big Enough Vehicle

Granted, SUVs are gas guzzlers and expensive. Therefore, if this commandment cannot be met, but multiple people can use small cars t...

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