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Jon Gruden Still a Raider at Heart

Published: April 27, 2009

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As I watched the NFL Network Crew on Sunday re-hash the Raiders pick of Michael Mitchell, the safety the Raiders picked at the 47th pick of the second round I had to laugh. I was thrilled with the pick and had just wrote an article on Mitchell a day before the draft.

Mayock and the rest of the ESPN Crew did not know much about Mitchell so, no team would consider picking this kid that high in the draft would they?. It would be a crazy mans call without the so called experts that walk on waters ok.

Never mind Mayock admitted not ever watching any film on the kid. Mayock walks on water and does not need to see the kid play in order to put a grade on the kid.

Never mind that the Chicago Bears had Mitchell targeted with their 49th pick per the story in the Chicago Tribune. Once the Raiders selected Mitchell the Bears traded out of the 49th pick. Wow, the Bears did not rank any of Mayock’s players still available as a value at that spot?

Never mind the Dallas Cowboys wanted Mitchell in round two and traded out after the Raiders took Mitchell. The Cowboys stated that the player they wanted was taken at the Raiders spot and also traded out.

Never mind that the Green Bay Packers, Colts, Texans and others had Mitchell in for a visit. The “experts” that did not have a clue on this kid were thrown for a loop and they did not like it.

The Raiders got the Safety that they had wanted from the get go. By trading down in round two, two spots before he would have come off the board. Looks like value to me if that is your player.

This whole time you have Jon Gruden just sitting there listening to the debate. But if you looked close you can see that Gruden has something on his mind.

Then Gruden speaks and using his hands and arms for effect he outlines the shape of the globe as he says, “Let me tell you this, the Oakland Raiders are global and have fans all over the World. I have been to Europe and you see Oakland’s Raiders gear all over the world. And I can tell you this, I was a Raider. Al Davis could care less about what any of us think or say up here and that I can promise you”.

You could have heard a pin drop, these men that have alway’s shown the Raider bias did not know what to say. Was this the man that they have all portrayed as someone that hates Al Davis and the Raiders?

If you take the time to read Grudens book you will see just what he thought of his time with the Raiders and working for Al Davis and it is nothing like the media portrays it.

At Gruden’s press conference when hired by the Bucs every one was expecting him to go off on the Raiders and Al Davis. What they received instead was a thank you to Al Davis and the Oakland Raiders for seeing the talent in this young Head Coach and giving him his chance at the top.

What I witnessed on the NFL Network that day was, “Once a Raider always a Raider” and you could see he was proud of his days in Oakland. Gruden also was not about to sit there and listen to these clowns spread their hate for anything Raider.

Gruden never got to answer the question asked of him which was, “Do you think that deep down Al Davis really cares about what we say but just acts like he does not?.

I can give you that answer, Al Davis worries about what you say and think about as much as I do getting jumped by a two-year-old.

Al Davis knows he made a mistake when he let Gruden go and admitted so at a press conference. Al Davis also know’s had he kept Gruden at least another year Al would have more then likely added another Super Bowl Trophy to the three he has.

It is a new day in Raiderland but at least as far as Gruden goes, “Once a Raider Always a Raider.

Oakland Raiders Need Ohio U Safety Michael Mitchell

Published: April 24, 2009

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The safety from Ohio University Michael Mitchell was watching old clips from the NFL one day when he saw a safety that grabbed his attention. Michael stated in an interview that he just had to find out more about the safety he just watched on film.

The safety was the Oakland Raider’s hard hitting Jack Tatum. Michael explained in the interview he looked up everything he could on the Internet to learn more about this safety that had so impressed him.

Michael went on to explain that since that day he wanted to play the safety position as Jack Tatum played the position with the Oakland Raiders. 

From watching this young man play I can say he would make Jack Tatum proud.

Michael Mitchell is 6’1″ tall and 220 lbs. Although he was not invited to the NFL Combine he decided that he would make scouts take notice at his school’s pro day. On Michael’s first run at 40 yards he recorded a 4.43 and on another try he ran a 4.49 as he let up at the 35 yard mark because of a tweaked hamstring.

When he tackles someone on the field he knocks their legs right out from under them and delivers a wallop. The young man also has the instincts to play the position and reads and reacts on a play very fast. This guy is all over the field and loves the game of football.

I have included a video clip of some of his highlights in College. Watch him as he sits back and at how fast he diagnoses a play and gets to the ball. He arrives at the ball in a hurry and packs a punch on the poor sole that happens to have the ball.

Michael made 62 tackles, forced a pair of fumbles and picked off three passes in his senior year. This young man is just the type of player the Raiders need to put the Raider back in Raider football.

He sure would look good in Silver and Black and has the potential to give the Raiders the type of safety they have been lacking in recent years. I hope the Raiders do what ever they need to do come draft day to make sure this young man is wearing the Silver and Black in 2009. If they do not it will come back to haunt them some day.

Here is a link to Michael Mitchell’s Highlights from College.