A New York Giant with a Small Chance at Winning

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: March 31, 2009


... work out a plea deal. 

Everyone has been talking about what a bad or good boy he is, and that he either should or should not come back.

What I think everybody is missing from all this, is that it is not about Plaxico anymore. Yes, he set these events in motion and he may even have had a good reason for carrying a gun that night, but the matter now is in the hands of America’s "Law Enforcement Monster," as I called it, and a great Monster it is. This is truly a nation of laws, a million of them.

A recent New York Times articles says that a new report indicates that America leads the world in prison population, and now for the first time ever in the nation's, history ONE IN 100 PEOPLE are BEHIND BARS. Yes, that's more than China and Russia.This either means we have lots of bad people or the elite have become adept at keeping the lower class "in their place." Whatever it is, it's dysfunctional. 

Sorry, Plaxico, I love you and everyth...

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