Being a Detroit Lion Fan: A True Test of Loyalty


Published: August 14, 2009


... fact these Lions made history last year by going 0-16, there still seems to be a shred of hope that underlines many articles written by the majority of writers on the Bleacher Report as well as other sites.

The supposed football "experts" on Fox Sports, ESPN and, have the Lions improving but not making any headway to playoff aspiration in 2009.

I don't think the Lions will make the playoffs this year either.  But stranger things have occurred. Lions might catch some teams with injury issues or they just might have all the cylinders clicking on that particular Sunday.  As Chris Berman from ESPN would say "That's why they play the game."

It is tough to predict just how well or how poorly the Lions will do.  As a fan, you want your team to do well and Lions fans would just party till all hours of the night if they reach .500. 

Despite the many criticisms that William Clay Ford, Sr. received for promoting Martin Mayhew to GM in...

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