Chargers-Seahawks Preseason Opener Preview


Published: August 15, 2009


... forking over of 25 bones to park on the lunar surface that passes for a parking lot here in SD. The collective spending of thousands of dollars to watch the scrubs play most of the night.

It must be preseason again.

Preseason is like hanging out with your hideous cousin Eggmund, who wants to get laid, but never will.

Chargers vs. Seahawks, yet again. Just once, I would like to see some other teams in the preseason, anyone besides Seattle, Dallas, Arizona, and San Francisco.

At 90 bucks per game, I have paid for at least two seasons worth of real games in order to attend these scrimmages over the decades. To put it in perspective, my playoff tickets in 1980 were priced at $12. Tonight's game will cost me 90 bucks, just to get the right to wizz in a men's bathroom trough.

The only redeeming quality to preseason for the fans is that it's a chance to bond with all your fellow season ticket holders, get a few tequila shots in before t...

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Chargers-Seahawks Preseason Opener Preview


Published: August 15, 2009


... forking over of 25 bones to park on the lunar surface that passes for a parking lot here in SD. The collective spending of thousands of dollars to watch the scrubs play most of the night.

It must be preseason again.

Preseason is like hanging out with your hideous cousin Eggmund, who wants to get laid, but never will.

Chargers vs. Seahawks, yet again. Just once, I would like to see some other teams in the preseason, anyone besides Seattle, Dallas, Arizona, and San Francisco.

At 90 bucks per game, I have paid for at least two seasons worth of real games in order to attend these scrimmages over the decades. To put it in perspective, my playoff tickets in 1980 were priced at $12. Tonight's game will cost me 90 bucks, just to get the right to wizz in a men's bathroom trough.

The only redeeming quality to preseason for the fans is that it's a chance to bond with all your fellow season ticket holders, get a few tequila shots in before t...

Read Complete Article at Bleacher Report - NFL
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