Crunching the Numbers


Published: April 9, 2009


... comparing the carriers of each active QB with 20 or more starts to that average in the next day or two.

If you have any requests of former players who have played a large portion of their career in the last decade, please send me your request via PM or in a comment to this entry.

All I ask is you don't go to far back with your selections.

For the NFL average to be accurate, it has to be taken from the time the players were playing, within reason of course.

My average starts in 1999 and runs to the present. The difference would barely be noticeable if the player started his carrier 1998-1999.

Even after my list is complete and entered in my blog, I will still be able to compare any player to my NFL average results and post the results per your request.

I also ask you will select who you believe the top seven guys will be. I posed this question in an earlier entry. Your selection will serve three purposes for...

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