Jay Cutler to….DA BEARS

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: April 2, 2009


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So the whole fiasco about Jay Cutler is finally done with; he's officially gone from the Broncos and is now with the Chicago Bears. It sure cost the Bears a lot, but hey, hopefully Cutler does fix their long run of horrible quarterbacks.
I'm a 49ers' fan, but being related to numerous people in Chicago, I've always had a liking for their sport teams too (I proudly consider myself a Chicago Bulls and Chicago Cubs fan), so I do wish well for the Bears at about any given time except when they play my Niners of course. I still talk sports on a regular basis with my uncle and my grandmother, whose probably only got a few years left in her life at best. I'm looking forward to touching base with them and getting their opinions on their acquisition.

I wasn't honestly sure if I wanted the Niners to try and pick Jay up when he was available, and it seemed the majority of the Niner fans here wanted it to happen. He's obviously bett...

Read Complete Article at Bleacher Report - NFL
Article Source: BleacherReport.com


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