My College Essay On The Horrid Officiating Of Superbowl XL


Published: September 8, 2009


... became a viable topic for our first rough draft of a major essay.

I was originally going to do it on expanding the content allowed in rated R movies (idea inspired after watching Tarintino's terrific Inglourious Basterd's). As ideas were tossed around in class this one clicked in my head, and many of the students wanted to see one done on the topic, so I went ahead and did it.

I already did not have any homework, so this would be a breeze, having to do very little research, here is my first draft of "The Ultimate Superbowl Fustercluck". 

This is not an attempt to piss one side off or the other, this is just a formal paper that the students in my class enjoyed so I thought I would share it on Bleacher Report.

Make sure to read the disclaimer! 


The Ultimate Superbowl Fustercluck

(Disclaimer, Steelers fans may not like the harsh reality and truth behind what is being divulged in this article, if you are o...

Read Complete Article at Bleacher Report - NFL
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