My Latest Gripe: A Longer NFL Regular Season


Published: March 25, 2009


... wrestling world but I do like to broaden my horizons some.

It has recently come to my attention that Roger Goodell wants to make the NFL regular season longer by one or two games.

I am not entirely sure how this would all play out, but come 2010 we might have football into the middle of February.

For most football lovers, this would seem like a time to rejoice.

For me, that is not the case, unless certain things were to change.

Now, I'm not sure if the extended season means less preseason games, but I definitely feel that the exhibition games need to be shorten.

Preseason, not just in football but all pro sports, is entirely too long.

Most of the players who fans want to see don't play in all the games and if they do, it's not for very long.

If you arrive at a preseason game a few minutes into action, the star quarterback might have already played his one or two series for the game.

Then you have the bye week.


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