My Love Grows Where The Buffalo Bills Roam, Thanks To My Dad


Published: May 13, 2009


... Instead of bringing home pink boxes stuffed with miniature women all named "Barbie", he preferred taking me to look for fishing bait in the backyard after rain storms. 

On Sundays, right after helping Mom with chores around the house, I'd slip into my over-sized Buffalo Bills sweatshirt, pull on my hat, and take a seat next to the only other die-hard Bills fan I knew:  my dad.

The football relationship that my father and I have falls nothing short of special.  He started liking the Bills the year I was born and I started chanting "touchdown" as soon as I learned to speak.  I certainly knew more about my team and football in general than any of my peers. 

Often, during commercial breaks and halftime, he would quiz me on referee signals.  My favorite was always the tee-pee he would make with both hands above his head.  Of course I knew it meant "safety" and would shout out the answer in giggles, knowing that I was making h...

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