Tony Romo, Jessica Simpson Go Their Separate Ways


Published: July 14, 2009


... and Philadelphia Eagle jerseys.

You know what they say: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

That's because she and Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo have apparently called it quits. Romo is now living a dream: quarterback of America's Team and now an eligible bachelor.

Honestly, I feel bad for Simpson. They say she's pretty shaken up by it.

I know some Cowboys fans dumped on her because she showed up wearing a pink-numeraled Cowboys jersey while Romo played a horrible game a season or two ago. Some probably think that getting rid of Simpson will turn Romo into Joe Montana.

Even if Romo's successful this year, I'm not so much worried about whom he's dating/sleeping with/married to as I am how he does on the field. For some fans, though, as long as Romo's winning, they wouldn't care if he started dating Joan Rivers.


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