Vote: The NFL’s Best Pre-Game Theme Song


Published: July 24, 2009


... border="0" width="175" height="175" style="float: left;" />I was driving in my car the other day listening to a local sports radio show when it happened.

The NFL on Fox pre-game theme song started playing from the speakers.  I had not heard a pre-game NFL theme song in a long time, and it was magical.

Immediately, I texted our fearless leader at The Hazean to describe the feeling.  Then I started to wonder which NFL pre-game theme song is the best.

This is where we need your help.  Vote in our latest poll and pick your favorite pre-game theme song of the NFL. These are current songs only and not the songs sung by Hank Williams Jr./Pink/Faith Hill. Orchestra-esque theme songs only.

Peep the candidates and pick your favorite after the jump!

Fox NFL Sunday pregame theme song

Bleacher Report - NFL
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