When Winning Doesn’t Matter: How the Colts Defrauded The NFL.

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: December 28, 2009


... game."

And yet when a team blatantly throws a game in a manner that leaves no doubt as to their intentions, this is deemed acceptable.

Let me say this again because it sounds so ridiculous.

Wearing a sombrero is more damaging to the game than intentionally losing.

Tweeting during halftime is more damaging to the game than intentionally losing.

Criticizing referees is more damaging to the game than intentionally losing.

In an era of NFL football that seems to be more and more concerned with the trivialities, apparently trying to win (the core value) is no longer important.

Apparently throwing a game to a team ensconced in a playoff race is deemed acceptable, exactly the type of behavior that got Pete Rose or Shoeless Joe Jackson banned from professional baseball.

And they were just suspected of maybe altering a game by gambling or accepting money.

In this respect maybe there needs to be a seri...

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