Wildcat Formation: Was It Really Just a Fad?

for NFLSportChannel.com

Published: June 24, 2009


... Why is he awkwardly in a WR stance split out wide?  Doesn't he know he's arguably one of the best QBs in the game, not a WR?  Does he have a childhood fantasy of playing a position other than QB?  And did he really play well enough last year to be voted into the Pro-Bowl.

To answer all your question:  Probably,  Because of the "WildCat(or WildHog) formation, not sure, maybe, and not really.

What is the "Wildhog" exactly? Well its a trick play that roughly consists of two RBs in the backfield,  at least one who can throw the ball.  Usually a QB split out wide like Manning in the picture with two real WR opposite the formation and a Tight-end as a wing in there somewhere.  The ball is snapped to a RB who thinks he's a QB usually followed by playaction with the two RBs in the backfield and the ball is either ran or thrown by one of the RBs. 

The defenses get confused,  mainly because corners can't ...

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